Fullerton Airport
Pilot Association

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  • Into the Alligator's Mouth

Into the Alligator's Mouth

  • 15 Feb 2022
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • AFI Main Hangar


Registration is closed

The Psychology of Personal Minimums

Drawing on interviews with a wide range of folks from newly minted Private Pilots, to Flight Instructors and Designated Pilot Examiners we'll take a look at

  • Why we create personal minimums
  • Why we commit them to paper (or not)
  • When we fudge on them
  • What we learn from them, and
  • What we hope never again to experience
Let's have an honest discussion on ways that we can keep ourselves safe in the airplane and on the ground. Because in the end, cheating on your minimums is cheating on yourself.
Jolie Lucas makes her home on the Central Coast of California with her mini-Golden Mooney. She is a Mooney owner, licensed psychotherapist, and instrument-rated Commercial Pilot.

The FAPA Grill Team will be providing a hot dog or bratwurst dinner starting at 6PM for an additional $8 charge.

This webinar will be a hybrid Zoom presentation. To join online, click here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86152782316?pwd=SGRtcndvM0VISFNTd0NXZ0RmRTZSdz09
The passcode is 728801

Dog Loses Tail but Survives After Owner Pulls Pet From Alligator's Mouth

Join Us at the Fullerton Airport Holiday Party!

Hosted by Fullerton 99's and the Fullerton Airport Pilot Association

Tickets are $40 each:


Music * Food & Drink * Raffles * Dancing

*** RSVP by Sunday, December 8th***

Hangar 21, 3815 Commonwealth Ave, Fullerton

Fullerton Airport Pilot Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

4011 W Commonwealth Ave, Fullerton, CA 92833 

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