Fullerton Airport
Pilot Association

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  • The Voices in Your Head Set - Southern California TRACON

The Voices in Your Head Set - Southern California TRACON

  • 17 Oct 2023
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • 4119 W Commonwealth Ave, Fullerton


Registration is closed

This is your chance to speak directly with ATC personnel at SoCal TRACON. We'll receive a briefing on current and expected operations in the region, discuss focus areas that pilots should be particularly alert to, and best practices to improve the safety of your operations.

SoCal TRACON (SCT) is the busiest Terminal Air Traffic Control facility in the world. With a very dynamic, complex, and broad mix of traffic types, constrained by geographical and geological limitations, and encompassing almost every type of airspace ever invented, it's always a good idea to get and stay familiar with how the system operates to help keep you and the traveling (and non-traveling, for that matter) public safe. Whether you're a new pilot or a seasoned pro, whether you fly VFR or IFR, you're going to enjoy this presentation. Bring all your toughest questions and get them answered!

A bratwurst or hot dog dinner will be served starting at 6PM ($8). Come early for some hangar chatter before the meeting gets going!

Join Us at the Fullerton Airport Holiday Party!

Hosted by Fullerton 99's and the Fullerton Airport Pilot Association

Tickets are $40 each:


Music * Food & Drink * Raffles * Dancing

*** RSVP by Sunday, December 8th***

Hangar 21, 3815 Commonwealth Ave, Fullerton

Fullerton Airport Pilot Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

4011 W Commonwealth Ave, Fullerton, CA 92833 

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